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Скрипт-компрессор CSS на языке Python для текстового редактора Notepad++. Архив версии от 15.11.2012. Содержит исходный код скрипта и авторское описание к нему. Копия предназначена только для ознакомительного использования.
CSSmin.py for Notepad++ Python Scripting plugin A simple script that contains a Python port of the YUI CSS Compressor so you can minify both CSS and JS. Installation: Simply copy CSSmin.py to *\plugins\PythonScript\scripts* in your NPP folder and restart NPP. It will now appear as a menu item under Plugins...Python Script...Scripts. Usage: Select the text to process, or select nothing. Go to the NPP menu, Plugins...Python Script...Scripts...CSSmin and click. If selected text is detected, it will process and replace the selected text, otherwise the entire contents of current document. Undo is available if you dont like the results.
CSSmin.py for Notepad++ Python Scripting plugin A simple script that contains a Python port of the YUI CSS Compressor so you can minify both CSS and JS.
Simply copy CSSmin.py to *\plugins\PythonScript\scripts* in your NPP folder and restart NPP. It will now appear as a menu item under Plugins...Python Script...Scripts.
Original cssmin.py ported from YUI here https://github.com/zacharyvoase/cssmin