' +'' +'' +'' +'' +'' +'' +'' +'' +'' +'' +'')//-->
Плагин для отладки и запуска скриптов на языке Python в текстовом редакторе Notepad++. Архив версии от 27.09.2014. Содержит полный комплект среды выполнения и библиотеку Python.dll v.2.7.6. Копия предназначена только для ознакомительного использования.
The scripting plugin. Full programmatic access to Notepad++ features and menus. Full programmatic access to all of Scintilla features. Call other plugin menu items. Assign menu items, shortcuts and toolbar icons to scripts. Process Notepad++ and Scintilla events, direct from a Python script. Python console built-in. Full regular expression support for search and replace - script Python regular expression replaces. Start external programs and pipe the output direct to a Notepad++ document, or filter it, or simply to the console window. Full documentation for all the objects and methods.
The scripting plugin.